Visions from Manifest East

I recently attended the ‘Manifest East’ men’s camp in South Cambridgeshire. This was something that was completely outside of my ‘comfort zone’, but, as it was organised by MensCraft founder member, Andy Wood, I was resolved to honour him by experiencing it and, as...

Pit Stop Kung Fu – Ryan’s Journey

As part of our Pit Stop offer, we run a free weekly Wing Chun Kung Fu class for men on Monday evenings at the Cadge Road Community Centre (see details below). Meet Wing Chun Kung Fu martial arts instructor, Ryan Moyce, as he talks about his approach to Wing Chun, as...

A Guilt-free Sweet Treat…

As those of you who attend the weekly Norwich Pit Stop ‘Social’ on Tuesday afternoons will already know, I am a fan of the Medjoul date. Since starting in my role as Pit Stop Coordinator last November, I have added dates alongside the biscuits to give our...