Volatility, uncertainty, ambiguity, complexity.

Volatility, uncertainty, ambiguity, complexity.

Social Ventures Norfolk aims to encourage and support young men between 18 and 40 years of age with specific life challenges, to explore their own business ideas. We will also seek to enable course attendees to not only explore their business/social venture idea, but...
Guest Blog: Tom Webb

Guest Blog: Tom Webb

The Easy Bit 1 in 6 couples in the UK have trouble conceiving. There is a huge amount of support available for women going through treatment but there is very little for men. This has been changing in a positive direction over the last few years and I think the sole...
#Men-Debate. Roger Kingerlee

#Men-Debate. Roger Kingerlee

Roger Kingerlee  is a clinical psychologist working locally.  His work focuses on male and service veteran psychologies and trauma, often helping individuals to increase their emotional literacy as a first step to positive change.  He is also co-author of the recently...
#Men-Debate. Roger Kingerlee

#Men-Debate. Mark Bond-Webster

Mark Bond-Webster runs the Caring Dads Programme in Norfolk. Thinking about these questions and trying to answer them, confronted me — again — with a couple of difficulties I have with the way in which much of  the current debate about ‘masculinity’ is...
#Men-Debate. Roger Kingerlee

#Men-Debate. Simon Floyd.

One of the three themes for this year’s International Men’s Day was promoting a positive conversation about men, manhood and masculinity. With this in mind MensCraft has been asking the views of various people who either work with men or who’s work involves them with...
We all raise boys into men

We all raise boys into men

For all the conversations about ‘redefining masculinity’ men are still largely defined by what they do as much as by who they are. From childhood, we are taught to suppress our emotions and as we get older, we are expected to ‘man up,’ to bury our emotions ever more...