We are delighted that the East of England Chapter of the Bearded Villains have chosen to support MensCraft for their latest fundraiser, Beast from the East v2, which takes place on Saturday 8th February from 1pm at The Earlham on Earlham Road in Norwich, NR2.
The East of England Chapter of the Bearded Villains has 28 members across Norfolk and meet regularly to provide friendship and support for each other, to do good in their community and, of course, to celebrate the beard! It is part of a world-wide network of 165 Bearded Villains chapters in 36 countries with thousands of members.
This year’s Beast from the East event will feature a Hot Wings eating competition, a raffle and cake sale and will be attended by bearded Villains from across the UK and from Belgium.
Family and friends are welcome.  Beards not obligatory!
The event is supported by local publican Rose Hanison who owns The Earlham and the nearby Black Horse pub.